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Curriculum Vitae
Ronald C. Hungarter is Founder and President of Ron Hungarter Associates, Inc., a Certified Home Inspection company; Founder and President of THOR® Systems, Inc. "The Helper Of Roofers"; and, Founder and Owner of VIP Certifications, a Home Inspector trainer and certifier for the American Institute of Inspectors. He first worked in construction as a teenager, mixing mud for his family's third-generation plastering business. A Pennsylvania native and 1970 graduate of Ohio University, he formed his own construction company Wood Designs by R. Hungarter in 1979 and began work as a general contractor. By the mid-80's, Ron had also developed a successful real estate inspection company. His construction knowledge and experience has resulted in him being qualified as an expert in courts throughout Pennsylvania. Ron has authored many industry related technical articles, linked at his web sites, for reference, which were also published in many construction trade magazines, including the Midwest Roofing Contractors Association magazine and North West Builder magazine, etc.
Ron founded THOR® Systems, Inc., "The Helper Of Roofers" in 1995 to develop and market his time and money saving tools that
have resulted from his hands-on, in-the-field construction experiences. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued a U.S. Patent for his THOR Roofing Layout Tapes. A Canadian Patent was issued in October, 2006. Additional U.S. and Canadian patents were filed on July 3, 2008 and are now patent-pending. THOR® and the complete line of THOR® Roofing and Hand Tools are Registered Trademarks of THOR® Systems, Inc. "The Helper Of Roofers".
VIP Certifications was founded in early 2003 to assist those individuals interested in becoming home inspectors to receive their training and certification, as sponsored by the American Institute of Inspectors. However, time restraints have completely curtained this activity.
The following link identifies the legal professionals who have either used and/or recommended the services of Ron Hungarter Associates, Inc.:
Referring Lawyers List
Current to Past Experiences
2024 - November 20 - Inspected a 32,967 sq. ft. Industrial Building in West Reading, PA for a repeat Client
2023 - March 9 - Represented John P. Rodgers, Esq. in the Luzerne County Courthouse on new construction issues
2023 - January 18 - Michael A. O'Donnell, Esq. officially resolved a fall dispute through early litigation negotiations on the strength of our inspection and safety analysis
2022 - September - Several new, pending serious fall cases
2022 - April 19 - Neil T. O'Donnell, Esq. utilized both my written report and my Video Testimony noted below to successfully settle another FALL legal case (No. 124).
2022 - March 28 - Did my first Video Testimony with Neil T. O'Donnell, Esq. of O'Donnell Law Offices regarding a serious fall and injury case
2022 - March 21 - Helped yet another client resolve issues with BOG (Biologic Organic Growth), attic/roof ventilation and moisture
2022 - March 19 - Falls Church, VA, performed pre-purchase real estate inspection
2022 - March 9 - Many cases pending with many lawyers, including but not limited to two separate deck collapse cases, each with serious injuries; a utility trip and fall case with serious injuries; an unsatisfactory rubber roof installation; a starcase fall with serious injuries; an unsatisfactory siding and roofing case; and others...
2022 - January 26 to 31 - Expert in the Bucks County Courthouse on my case number 123
2021 - October - Secured an out-of-court settlement with a local utility company
2020 - February 6 - Luzerne County Courthouse 119th case won regarding an new, unsatisfactory metal roof installation
2017 - December - Another out-of-court settlement was reached on behalf of my client with an insurance company.
2017 - January 20 - Expert on another roof case in Philadelphia for an attorney from Yardley, PA
2016 - April 27 - Expert for Philadelphia attorney on a Lackawanna County PA case, successful out-of-court settlement reached with an insurance company for our client
2016 - March 22 - Attend Spring Conference, Occupational Advisory Committee, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology, Construction Carpentry, Jamison, PA
2016 - March - $60,000 Expert on out-of-court settlement with insurance company on unsatisfactory new construction in Luzerne County, PA
2016 - January 27 - Performed Expert inspection in Plymouth, MA regarding attic moisture and mold
2015 - October 2 - Expert, Carbon County, Court of Common Pleas, Jim Thorpe - testified regarding manufacturer, supplier and roofer on failed 75 square roof in White Haven, PA
2015 - September 3 - Expert, Lackawanna County Court, Scranton, PA regarding new home construction issues
2015 - March 25 - Expert, legal case in Berks County, PA
2014 - August 17 - Inducted into the Luzerne County Chapter of the PA State Hall of Fame
2011 - February 24 - Attended the NAHB CAPS Design/Build Solutions for Aging and Accessibility seminar Cherry Hill, NJ
2011 - January 31 - Outside consultant - Home Modification Construction Officer for SDHP in six PA counties
2011 - January 10 - Expert, legal case in Bradford County, PA on new construction
2010 - September 30 - Expert, legal case involving a $550,000 new home construction
2010 - September - Project Manager, Autism Services, Inc. renovations, Exeter, PA
2010 - July 17 - Performed two Roof/Ventilation/Insulation/Mold inspections in Pittsburgh, PA
2010 - February 22 -
EcoStar, LLC endorsed THOR Roofing Tools at the International Roofing Expo in New Orleans
2010 - February 10 - Guest Speaker, WTOP Radio, Washington, D.C." answering questions on Ice Dam issues
2009 - April 21 - Invited Speaker at the Cross Valley Federal Credit Union's Home Buyers' Seminar
2008 - December 12 - Expert Witness, New home contractor buy-back settlement, Luzerne County
2008 - November 3 - Expert Witness, construction case, Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas (100% Award)
2008 - October - Installed a new roof utilizing patented THOR Roofing Tools for manufactured slate shingled roofing
2008 - October 14 - Invited Speaker at the Cross Valley Federal Credit Union's Home Buyers Seminar
2008 - July 3 - Submitted two more patents, one in the USA and one in Canada for Roofing Tools
2008 - May 27 - Invited guest speaker, Wyoming Valley Real Estate Investors Associatioin meeting (3rd Time)
2007 - October 16 - Invited guest speaker Cross Valley Federal Credit Union Home Buyers Seminar
2007 - August 2-5 -
Firelands Habitat for Humanity, Sandusky, OH Helped with THOR Tools patented by Ron
2007 - March 24 - Performed Mold - Ventilation Inspection, Gardner, MA (Boston)
2007 - March 19 - Performed Ice Dam - Ventilation Inspection, Bear Creek, PA
2007 - March 6 to 8 - Attended the International Roofing Expo in Las Vegas where Elk and others requested custom tapes.
2007 - February 24 - Performed Mold - Ventilation Inspection, E. Chatham, NY
2007 - January 27 - Performed Ventilation Inspection, Carlstadt (E. Rutherford), NJ
2007 - January 18 - Performed Mold - Ventilation Inspection, Orwell, PA
2006 - October 27 - Canadian Patent Office issued Patent #2,189,986 to Ronald C. Hungarter for his roofing layout tape invention
2006 - March 28 - invited guest speaker, Wyoming Valley Real Estate Investors Association meeting, Wilkes-Barre, PA
2006 - January 31 - Accepted into the Round Table Group, one of the world's preeminent consortia of consulting experts (Now Thomson Reuters Expert Witness Services)
2005 - October - Building Efficiency Inspections are now being provided as an additional service of RHA, Inc
2005 - April 17 - Guest speaker, Home Innovations with Elaine Mikk, Newstalk WMAL - live from the studio in Washington D.C.
2004 - Seminar Speaker A.I.I. Spring Conference, Portland, OR
2004 - May 2 - nd Guest speaker, Home Innovations with Elaine Mikk, Newstalk WMAL - the ABC Disney-owned station, Washington D.C.
2003 - October - Chosen as a VIP to participate in panel discussions at the Metalcon Conference, Tampa, FL (Only non-architect of the 10 VIP’s)
2003 - "Attic Ventilation, where are you?" published in June, 2003 MR magazine by Midwestern Roofing Contractors Association.
2003 - CertainTeed's Business Resources Catalog includes THOR Tapes and Double Chalkers
2003 - Conducted first class of VIP Certifications certifying three new home inspectors
2003 - Seminar speaker, American Institute of Inspectors Spring Conference in Sacramento, CA
2003-04 - Appointed Chairperson of the Membership Committee by the Board of Directors of the American Institute of Inspectors
2003 - January 28, 2003 - U.S. Patents & Trademarks Office issued Patent #6,511,741 to Ronald C. Hungarter for his roofing layout tape invention
2002 - Nov. 10th Guest speaker, Home Innovations with Elaine Mikk, Newstalk WMAL - the ABC Disney-owned station, Washington D.C.
2002 - Seminar speaker at A.I.I. National Conference, Portland, OR
2002 - U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issues Notice of Allowance for THOR Roofing Layout Tapes
2002-03 - Co-Chairperson, Membership Committee, American Institute of Inspectors
2002 - May 12 - th Guest speaker, Home Innovations with Elaine Mikk, Newstalk WMAL - the ABC Disney-owned station, Washington D.C.
2002 - Jan. 27 - th Guest speaker, Home Innovations with Elaine Mikk, Newstalk WMAL - the ABC Disney-owned station, Washington D.C.
2002 - Jan. 11 - th Completed Air Vent, Inc.'s "Attic Ventilation Certificate" (Note: The first five photographs of their presentation are mine, as shot with Paul Scelci of Air Vent, Inc.)
2002 - CertainTeed Corporation offers THOR Tools in their 2002 Business Resources Catalog
2001 to 2006 - Certified Real Estate Inspector and Member of the American Institute of Inspectors #1372
2000 to Present - Published author of many mold, moisture and construction-related articles
2000 - Seminar Speaker, American Institute of Inspector’s (A.I.I.) Annual Conference, Portland, OR
1999 - Wrote and sell his CD, "Scary Stories, Part I - from the attic"
1998 - Member (NRCA) National Roofing Contractors Association, Associate, Class II
1994 - Invented roofing and construction tools now patent-pending in the USA and Canada
1988 - 1992 - ASHI Associate (American Society of Home Inspectors)
1985 to 1986 - President, Wilkes-Barre East Rotary Club
Work Background
2002 - Founded VIP Certifications to train and certify new home inspectors
1996 to Present - Arbitrator, court expert for construction and construction-related cases
1995 to Present - Founder & President, THOR® Systems, Inc., "The Helper Of Roofers"
1987 to Present - Expert Witness, Court of Common Pleas, 5 PA Counties
1986 to Present - Founder & President, Ron Hungarter Associates, Inc. Contractor/Real Estate Inspector/Expert Witness
1979 to Present - Licensed General Contractor
1979 to1986 - Wood Designs by R. Hungarter, Licensed, Bonded & Insured General Contractor
1976 to 1981 - Director of Planning, Gas Div., PA Gas & Water Company, Wilkes-Barre, PA
1973 to 1976 - Assist. Director Planning & Engineering, Redevelopment Authority, W-B, PA responsible for all projects involving the installation of new sewers, curbs, sidewalks and paving
1972 - Agnes Flood and Hurricane Disaster Relief, Wilkes-Barre, PA, USA
1971 - Taught Biology, Lawrence Township, Trenton, New Jersey, USA
Educational Background
2003 - A.I.I. Board Certified Instructor operating VIP Certifications
1990 - Passed Written Contractor's Test for License, City of Scranton, PA, USA
1979 - Passed Written Contractor's Test for License, City of Wilkes-Barre, PA, USA
1970 - Graduated from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, USA - B.S. Zoology, Pre-Physical Therapy
1966 - Graduated from E.L. Meyers High School, Wilkes-Barre, PA, USA - College Prep.
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Phone: (570) 262-9236
Thank you and good luck with your property.
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